Sitter Sessions - Do I Want One?

You had newborn photos taken of your baby, because you know how important those first weeks are, and how fast babies change and grow. Maybe you’re thinking of having family photos taken in a year or two, but do you need sitter photos too?

The short answer is no, you don’t NEED them, photography is a luxury. However, what is guaranteed is that our babies are only as little as they are today, today. We cannot get this time back, and there is no worse feeling than regret for moments you can’t go back to.

Sitter sessions are generally done when your bub is 6-9 months old and sitting comfortably unassisted. And as a mother of three, I can assure you that the 6 - 18 month age is the absolute best! They are learning so many big things like sitting, crawling, first words and walking. Not to mention they are generally covered in the cutest rolls and dimples!! They are innocently cheeky, starting to show their personality, and you are their whole world.

So if it is something you have been considering and can do, I recommend you make it happen! Here’s some photos of my recent sitter sessions to convince you some more! X


Colt’s Newborn Session


Making sure you take the photos with your pregnant besties!